Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Can math be fun?

Why is it that just thinking about math sends some people into a panic, while to others it is a favorite hobby? The truth is, some people are skilled at math. Others are not. But all people need to know how to use math. Whether you are in the kitchen cooking, or in the store shopping. Whether you are helping your kids with their homework or paying your bills. No matter what you may do to make a living. You will use math.

Have you ever gotten so frustrated that you just wanted to give up, only to find that you can't escape it? How about your children? They are required to learn math in school. They need to know this concept not only for math class, but for other classes as well. In school, and in life, math is all around us.

When I was in school, I found that dry flash cards or repetitious math problems were so boring! I couldn't concentrate. I certainly did not learn very quickly. I was lucky if I didn't fall asleep! While I understood that repetition was important to remembering, I often wondered if there was a better way to learn. Then I had my own children and I discovered something amazing. Games. I loved games as a kid and I still love games as an adult. I couldn't wait for my kids to get old enough to play games with me. And then I discovered something else...

Playing games is the best way to get kids motivated and enthusiastic about learning. No matter what their age, no matter what their skill level, games opened the door to better learning. Games are a great equalizer. All kids love to play games. And the best part is, kids don't even know that they are learning. They just do.

Do you want to:

*Feel proud of your child's grades in math instead of frustrated and annoyed?

*Guarantee your child's success in math by giving them a solid foundation of basic math skills?

*Give your child an academic edge in math and improve their grades, their confidence in math, and their confidence in themselves?

*Give your child the one on one time that schools may not be able to provide? (This may be all that stands between success and failure in math for your child.)

*Fill in the gaps in your child's math skills and advance your child's math skills beyond what is being taught in the classroom?

Well, you can - and all by just playing games. To find out how Read On

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Unknown said...

Math games enable students to practice basic arithmetic facts..the study of mathematics can satisfy a wide range of interests and abilities..
kids activities

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